Dar Si Hmad office hosted from the 6th to the 10th of July our friend and
partner Surfrider Maroc, and provided them with a venue for their yearly
training for the Beach Guardians as part of the 9th edition of
their summer operation J’aime ma plage, a program designed to raise
public awareness of coastal environment. This operation has been underway for
the last 4 weeks now in Taghazout and Agadir, the young Guardians of the
beach have shown great commitment to this cause.
During the same week, Dar Si Hmad Instagram account reached 1K followers,
and today we have over 1020 followers to whom we are very thankful for
engagement and support. And as an NGO active in disseminating educational
and environmental messages both in the field and virtually, we commit to
continue sharing informative and instructional content with our readers and
July 2020 also marks our meeting for strategic planning and all of
Dar Si Hmad’s team came together. The front-line employees in Aït Baamrane,
Houssine Soussan and Mohamad Hamou Ali with all of Agadir staff joined in the
Centre Culturel Si Hmad Derhem in Sidi Ifni. Our heated exchanges concerning
the current health situation and the limitations it has imposed on us led
us to think about different project ideas and how to design them so that we
keep benefitting the communities in need, whilst respecting the sanitary
Next DSH completed a sociological survey carried out in the village of
Taloust in preparation for its future connection to the fog-water. The survey
was successfully completed, and for that we would like to thank all the
interviewers who participated in it, as we salute the women of Aït Baamrane for
their sincerity and their generous contribution to this work.
In the midst of July, our executive director, Dr. Jamila Bargach was
invited to participate in a live panel organized by Enactus club of
Morocco as part of their Sustainable Innovation Fest. Our ED contributed
to the discussion of entrepreneurship in sustainably managing the natural
resources. We invite you to have a look at her rich exchange of the panel,
check the Enactus Morocco Facebook page.

Another big highlight of this July 2020 was our Ljamae Azgzaw and
the Zero-waste concept. Our office manager, Samira Arjdal, who is a
proud “consom’actrice” taught our followers on Instagram about
her lifestyle and her daily eco-responsable choices. She explained how there
are environmental and moral benefits to lessening one’s production of waste,
and at the end of the live session she illustrated about one such product,
home-made toothpaste tutorial. The live video was recorded as an IGTV in Dar
Si Hmad’s account, so go and give it a look.
Finally, July 2020 was concluded with the preparations for the Summer
Tech Camp. Read our previous blog article to learn more about how this
initial phase of the camp went, and follow us on the social media to be
notified about our upcoming article that will give you more insights about the
course and the content of this third edition.
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